By Mike Gates

A lot of on-line professionals are discovering how easy backlink building with RSS is for getting their website a good ranking position in the search engines - yet syndication feeds have many other uses in promoting its success. Here are a few reasons to use this tool to its full advantage:

Everyone knows internet businesses of all types are becoming more common, as people drop out of the nine to five routine in bigger numbers every year. Yet success in getting a new venture off the ground, and managing to get the attention of the internet consumer, is definitely easier said than done. Any help from an unexpected source, like RSS, is greeted like a long-lost friend. Why?

RSS feeds can keep a business at the top of the game: Internet game software sales gurus need to be in the loop regarding the newest and truest changes to goods and services in whatever their niche may be. If one's in software sales, a feed mainly comprised of home computer program breaking news sites, and the like, is a good way to keep information at his fingertips. He can quickly jump on any new updates or programs applying to his business, and in that way, gain the lead over competitors - who may not know what hit them.

An online technical help business that provides help and repair for computer problems, would benefit from a feed of sites with this kind of technology. By keeping current on the latest information - staying educated on the most affordable repair options for his customer, places him as a forerunner in his niche. In addition, he gains an "in" with his feed of website's support staff by becoming a regular to them - and can solicit them for advice, and any questions he may have about the technology or repair options - before a customer asks him something he might be unsure of. He also gains an edge with this smart move - and will have a reputation of coming highly recommended by his loyal customers.

RSS can be used to add diversions to a blog, when there is nothing to post that day: Many blogs started off as a generic, all-purpose web letter for the benefit of friends and family, then ended up as a humor or observation blog with faithful fans. No blogger wants to lose his following by neglecting to post, but in lacking the time for daily upkeep, he can become lost for a win-win solution to the problem. Adding funny and entertaining content, in lieu of posts on those days he can't be there, is one way a blogger can distract his readers with something "shiny" - just until he can post something new.

RSS helps serious writers become more credible in their craft: Anyone who writes for the love of it, and wants to do it for a living, knows that establishing a solid following is something he must do - no matter his niche. The need to gain credibility, and make a name for himself in the community of other writers - and their readers - is imperative. And if a writer wants to catch the eye of a good publisher - or land a plush writing job - it's even more critical.

It's a given that a writer's work be linked back to other websites, as well. And making sure he has an RSS feed of the other's websites to participate in is very important. With RSS, he has them all in one place, and even on the busiest day, has time to read other material - and give his detailed opinion on the subject matter in writing. The professional courtesy will be reciprocated, and he will forge new friendships with other writers. And if somewhere down the road one of his new friends knows a publisher the writer may like to meet - even better.

So no matter what niche of internet business one's involved in, easy backlink building with RSS is more than just a good idea.

About the Author:
Mike Gates is an online marketer and recommends HostGator for hosting. HostGator is the cheapest web host. HostGator coupons available at