If you are not using the right article spinner than you are wasting your time. Almost any spinner can give you hundreds of unique articles. But what happens after that will make the difference between success and failure.

High quality backlinks are very important to a online marketer. Good backlinks from relevant pages raise the page rank of your site thus raising your position in the search engines. This is real power power behind article marketing.

If you ranked #1 in the search engine results, you could easily pick up and extra 100,000 visitors a month especially if it is a highly competitive keyword. If you take action you will be surprised by just how easy it is.

What would an extra 100,000 or more visitors a month do for your business. It does not matter if you are displaying ads or promoting affiliate links. Every new visitor is another opportunity for another sell.

So you spun your article with a article spinner what do you do with a thousand or more articles. If your article spinner does not have 10,000+ places to submit your article you are wasting your valuable time.

This large number of submit site means they are not all article directories. Some are niche sites and blogs. That is very important because one backlink coming from a site that is relevant to your site is of much higher value than a hundred backlinks from irrelevant sites.

It does not matter how big your competition is. When you have thousands of quality backlinks, linking to your site. You will easily take position #1 in the search engine results. And if you want them you can have all the positions that are on page one of the search engine results.

By having every position on page one of the results from a search, you will effectively shut down all your competition. For years now some of smartest marketers have been using this tactic.

If being ranked number 1 in all the search engines would boost your business, with the right article spinner it is so easy. The most powerful SEO tool is just a click away from you. Come see the real power of a good article spinner. Not acting is it's self an action