What if I told you that you could rank #1 in Google and take all the the position below that to if you wanted them as well. How much would that be worth to you. A good article spinner has the power to make that happen for you.

If you have been doing search engine optimization research for any length of time now. Then you know that good quality backlinks are the most effective way to achieve this. Notice I said quality backlinks, 10 good relevant backlinks are worth more than 10,000 irrelevant low quality backlinks.

One very powerful tool for accomplishing the #1 ranking on Google is a good article spinner with a good submission service. This method is well established by all the smartest online marketers. I should warn you that there are very few article spinners that are worth your precious time.

* Unique Content

Unique content is king, we all know that, right! Which has lead to article spinning becoming more popular. A good spinner will make your content totally unique while spinning thousands of articles from just one article. You can take this content submit it to a thousand directories and post it on your blog, add it to your website, or use it in any manor you can think of. This is a powerful time saver.

* Quality One-Way Backlinks

One good quality backlink is more valuable than hundreds of low quality backlinks. A high quality backlink is one-way. That means no link from your site points to there site but links from there site points to you. But having a link coming from a page of low quality can hurt your site.

A good quality backlink also comes from a page that is relevant to your page and should have a high page rank. The best article spinners can automate this whole process for you. A good spinner need to have a minimum of 10,000+ to submit your article. It does you no good to have thousands of articles and no where to submit them. The more places the better your chances of getting on a site that is in your niche. This will give you thousands of high quality backlinks with just one click of the submit button.

* Targeted Traffic

Every website needs targeted traffic. No matter what you are trying to do, promote an affiliate link, display adsense ads or selling a product. You have to have targeted traffic the more targeted the better. Now you could purchase text ads that gets expensive fast. How about the latest and greatest black hat tactic, those are usually past there shelf life when they are offered for sell. And will probably end up getting you banned.

A good article spinner is the cheapest and most powerful tool for ranking #1 in the search engines. By supplying your site with thousands of one way, high quality backlinks.

Need your website listed by search engines in days instead of months or weeks? This will do it for you U.A.W. Do you need top placing for organic traffic, even highly competitive markets. This article spinner will do that for you.