by Julie Johnson

The internet has brought about several new challenges for businesses. Conducting business world wide can represent an excellent technique for expanding your business particularly in wearisome economical times. When you consider it, you will come to the realization that, while one nation is down some other one is plausibly upwards.

Surely doing business worldwide is to everyone's advantage but it presents the challenges of different languages and dialects and let's face it most people speak one or maybe two languages fluently but this probably won't encompass everywhere you would like to do business. It is for this reason that online translation services are sure wonderful business tools. They come in very handy when trying to make sense out of an e-mail sent by a foreign customer or when trying to understand a website that is written in a foreign tongue.

Up until now you could access free translation services from Bing, Yahoo or Google, but they required that you cut and paste the text into a translation box which can not only be a hassle but many times only offers a very loose translation of the other language, leaving much room for interpretation.

Now Google is offering a much better and more accurate solution to cutting and pasting text into a translation site. This latest tool is called Google Chrome beta for Windows and with this tool, whenever you bring up a web page that is not being displayed in your default language, Chrome will ask if you would like the page translated. With one click on the Translate button you will very simply view the entire web page in your default language.

And while Chrome is definitely simpler to use for translating web content, it even has been proven to be a more accurate translation than that which is provided by Bing or Babelfish about 80% of the time. This means better communication with business customers and clients from around the world. There is nothing better for your multinational business than a translation service that is easy to use and translates text of all languages with increased accuracy. Leave it to Google to improve the way that the world does business.

About the Author:
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